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One of our clients had a question about a particular constituent of a botanical that their QC analysts had worked on for three months and were not able to resolve. You not only provided an answer that resolved the issue but did it in about 15 minutes!
At Nature’s Way we consider our orthogonal botanical identity testing program to be best in class. AHP truly functions as an extension of our botanical quality control function, helping to quickly answer identification and other quality control related questions that our experienced staff may not have the answers to. I see AHP as being a valuable partner for all botanical dietary ingredient and supplement manufacturers. Thanks AHP!
My perspective is that there is a direct association between the work that Lloyd, Felter, Scudder, and King, etc. were doing a century ago and the work that Roy Upton is doing now. At the risk of being hyperbolic, I think that future generations of herbalists will consider the literature produced during these two eras of equal importance in contextualizing the efficacy and relevance of the evidence based western herbal medicine.
Wow, what a very thorough monograph (Osha Root). I can see why you say this an historic monograph for many reasons. Closely related species, 87-page monograph, deep historical information, lots of Native American historical data, etc. I commend you and the gigantic effort to publish this monograph and organizing and coordinating all the data and reviewers’ input.
The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia has done the American public an invaluable service by providing authoritative information on the identity, purity, benefits and potential risks of medicinal botanical herbs. The publication of AHP monographs help increase the quality of herbal products, plus increase the quality of information on their responsible use. These monographs will be valuable not only to the herb industry, but also to health professionals, regulators, industry, journalists, and the public.
The monographs you produce are extremely valuable to [AHPA] members as they serve as accurate and authoritative references to assure the quality of botanical raw materials. The monographs also identify effective dosage and safety information and provide substantiation for approved statements of nutritional support (structure/function claims). All of these are extremely important to AHPA member products, the industry as a whole, and perhaps most importantly, consumers.
One of the issues that has plagued the herb industry for many years is the problem of establishing standards to determine the proper identity and purity of botanical materials used in commercial herbal preparations. Likewise, there are concerns among health professionals regarding the scientific basis for documenting the therapeutic benefits and potential risks of these products. The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia has done the American public an invaluable service by publishing its first monographs on three popular herbs, thereby providing authoritative information on the identity, purity, benefits and potential risks of these herbs. The publication of AHP monographs will help increase the quality of herbal products, plus increase the quality of information on their responsible use. These monographs will be valuable not only to the herb industry, but also to health professionals, regulators, industry, journalists, and the public.
I have been asked on a number of occasions to endorse various botanical publications, notably books from Haworth Press, which I served as consultant when Tip was Senior Editor, and most recently Thieme's ABC Clinical Guide, all of which I declined. However, I am voluntarily, unsolicited, daring to commend you and AHP as, to my mind, producers of unquestionably the most scientifically reliable herbal monographs to date. I believe that your apparent policy of seeking the most knowledgeable scientists for each particular herb addressed, to contribute to producing, refining and reviewing your monographs, is the most astute and sensible means towards the most accurate and authoritative documents.
Visually arresting yet fundamentally utilitarian, these releases elucidate each and every pertinent aspect of these important botanicals from an industrially practical point of view. The AHP has succeeded in creating the key to the intelligent manufacturing and use of these materials that are regulated as dietary supplements in the United States and included in the pharmacopoeias of several European countries. This reviewer looks forward to more of these unsurpassed works.
The AHP monographs are a noteworthy resource, both in-depth and invaluable, dealing with all significant aspects of medicinal herbs. Monographs have been well accepted in Europe for some time and they are long overdue here in the U.S. I applaud the AHP’s efforts to get the job done and to do it so well!
The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia has been launched to provide authoritative information on the proper use and manufacture of herbal medicines. The AHP will also address quality control standards for the manufacture of herbal supplements and botanical medicine. This kind of information is long overdue… the material coming from the AHP is some of the best we’ve got.