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Despite the best attempts to ensure that all information contained in American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® monographs is accurately presented, mistakes do occur. Such mistakes are the sole responsibility of the AHP editorial committee and not the authors and reviewers. The following errata should be noted in each respective monograph.
Qualitative Standards on page 11: Delete the following; Alcohol (25%) Not les than 15% extractive (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India 1989).
Figure 7 and Figure 8b, page11, have been mistakenly switched.
®(Figure e-g), should read (Figure e-f)
Page 12, Chromatogram, Figure 8 caption should read: HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of dang gui (Angelica sinensis) n-hexane extract (detection at 210nm) source: Wagner and others 2001. Reprinted with permission of the editors.
Dang Gui Bibliography
Journal title: Zaxue should read Daxue
Zhang DL, Zhang SM, Sun CX. 1990. Experimental morphological study of the effect of Angelica sinensis (Olive) Diels on the ovary of the mice radiated by 60Co rays. Hubei Yike Daxue Xuebao 11(2):106-9.